NLHEANEY.COM writer | editor | content strategist


NL Heaney freelance writer for business, government, education or corporate clients. Plain English specialist producing clear and concise writing that communicates complex ideas simply, and directly to its target audience.


Successful written communication has a clear purpose spoken directly to its audience. Presenting copy that effortlessly and efficiently shares its meaning shows respect for the reader and a professional edge, but it doesn’t have to be dry and boring. Our brains are wired for story, and this is how Nicky draws readers into her clients’ messages and guides them to make meaningful, lasting, connections.

photo: plate, mug, notebook, and Macbook on a white timbre table. A woman's hand rests on the keys and she's sticking a Post-It note to the screen.

After teasing out her clients’ individual needs, Nicky either writes copy from scratch, or rewrites existing content.

Nicky can help you:

  •      Efficiently communicate complex ideas

  •      Ensure your content conveys the required information

  •      Showcase your business as an authority in its field

  •      Translate jargon to plain English

  •      Develop or maintain a tone of voice representative of your business and audience

  •      Unify multi-authored content

  • Design digital content to enhance user experience

Whatever your project, Nicky can help you realise its fruition.

Whether you lead a nation, an enterprise, a community, or a family, we are all in the communication business.
— Robin S. Sharma (bestselling author & leadership and personal mastery speaker)